Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Really quick here...

the videos don't seem to be playing for me. I will try to fix it, but it may take a day or so. I'll try to let you all know when they're fixed.

Off to finish my bridesmaid dress for Saturdays wedding. Thanks to mom for helping me with some tough stuff while i updated this. :)

Picture Post of Ohio

Nellie with Joel's kids Leah and Zach

and Lexi and Lila.

First ER visit in Ohio. Her combo of pills made her feel really sick so we went in for monitoring and fluids.

Alisa is a Lyme friend and she got her CD for her birthday. :)

Another surgery. Boots keep her feet and legs warm while waiting.

a bad day with swollen face.

bruises due to blood thinners

the only way she can cook. 

this is her new dresser for IV supplies. She really likes her drawer liner, but she said she'll probably never seen it for all the supplies will hide it from view. 

ice pack applied to migraine

a very painful IV.

the most painful IV ever. 

the only way she can even attempt to remember things, and yet she still forgets 

packages are SO FUN! :)

green shoes for Lyme Awareness

illegal (which means not gluten free) pleasures :)

At this appointment i was in her wheel chair (more comfortable than the chairs they offered) and she was in the patient recliner. The Dr. came in and couldn't figure out which was the patient. :)

pills just to help her sleep

snow greeted us soon after we moved home. :) oh for happiness!

some precious sleep!

tilt table test. NOT fun!

treatment plans from Dr. Jemsek. Highlighters make it easier for Lymie brains to keep straight. :)

walking without cane in February.

Getting her pills ready for the week. Yes, this is only for a week.

Picture Post From Days in Oregon

At long last i have some pictures to share with you all. These are all pictures from the last month or two we were in Oregon.

BUN is 1, normal is 8-20. My normal was 4-5 for a while.

here she is getting 30 tubes of blood drawn. that day was pretty rough! I think it is actually illegal to take 30 tubes at once. The first vein they used blew around tube 23. They went to the other arm and by then she'd lost so much blood it just trickled, or dripped shall I say, into the tubes. 

this was a HIDA scan. it checked her gallbladder

this would be all of the empty Rocephin bottles, her old IV antibiotic 

the life of a Lymie  IV poles and supplies
This is what the PICC looks like without dressing. 

And here is with dressing. she named it but she forgets what the name was. As do i. :) :S 

A reminder that HE can carry you through

this was some hospital visit. By now i really forget which one. 
ER visit 1 of 3 in 3 days. This visit confirmed that she did have a blood clot and her line did need to go. 

Here she is with 2 IV accesses and a separate needle poke. They couldn't use her PICC line because of the blood clot, but they hadn't pulled the PICC yet. I think the 3rd poke was a failed attempt at getting her vein. 

trying to make it through a POTS attack

a walking video from December

Gilead was her little sunshine! He has curly hair and when hes fresh out of bed, like now, he has an afro.

brother love

Gilead loves her Chapstick and of course purses hold lots of treasures :)

Since she developed a blood clot in the vein, the PICC had to be pulled. #Kissingitgoodbye #tryingnottocry

Mourning the loss of her PICC line. It had really become part of her, and one day it was just pulled out. Never to be replaced.
the purple dot is the site of her exPICC line. 

Coumadin clinic in Oregon. a 30 min drive everyday for 10 days. All the while we were trying to pack up and move. Busy, stressful time.

A lovely eye mask gifted to her. It has light blocking material in it and you can NOT see any light through it. (i want one :)

George is folding his "John Baby" (aka a stuffed penguine) up like he saw aunt Nell fold her body up.

Hypermobility... i call this the praying mantis pose.
lovely Oregon sunsets. 

insomnia and pain are her world

the 4 yr old having fun posing. :)

Sad to be moving away from Oregon!

"this feels like death" This would be a blood pressure reading of 73/40 with a pulse of 125. The monitar says "ok", how ironic.

trying to look normal.