Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Dr. Jemsek

 We will be leaving in about an hour and a half for another Dr. Jemsek appointment in D.C. We praying for good smooth flights this time. I have confidence it'll be much better than last times trip. :) I'm actually pretty excited, we have nonstop tickets so it should be so smooth i'll wonder if it's magic. ;)

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

ER visit

Last night as Lynnelle was doing her evening meds, she forgot to prime the line. She hooked the empty (ie: full of air and not fluid) line up to her port. She infused about 28" inches of air before we caught it. Then she started feeling funny so we took her in to the ER.  Mom would rather be on the safe side and take her in, rather to wake up and find her dead. That would be the worst case scenario, i know. 
         So around 10:30 we headed in. Mom and i were both winding down for the night getting ready to go to bed when suddenly its time to hurry to ER. 

blankets and big boots trying to stay warm!

 Since it can be such a serious problem we were taken straight back to a room and an EKG done right away. She also had a CT scan of her lungs and chest to see how much air was floating around in there. 

 In the end everything was okay which was a relief! We were home by about 3:30 AM. And crashed into bed. Poor mom had to leave at 7:15 for work, but today was one of her easy jobs so that was a blessing. 


           We were blessed Friday when we received a cheesecake very anonymously in the mail from Eli's cheesecake. It was so random and unexpected. Jessica went on their fb page to thank them. They replied back saying... "We had read about Lynnelle's health challenges on her Blog and how she had a slice of Eli's Cheesecake when she travelled through O'Hare. We wanted to wish her well and bring her a smile so thanks for sharing her response".  It was one of those simple blessings!!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

from Lynnelle's blog

Last night she updated her blog, and i thought I'd share it on here.

I am Blessed!

I am alive.
I am blessed!

Our beloved car is dying.
We have been blessed with a car that we are so sad to think may not last much longer.
Please pray with us for a good replacement. 
We are trying to have faith that God will provide again. But it's hard sometimes.

Also pray that we can find a way for Mom and Minnie to get Lyme treatment soon! They are sick too.
Just because they aren't as sick as I am, does not mean they don't need treatment too.
We don't want them getting as sick as me!
I have found a Lyme doctor close, but we don't have the funds at this point.

This is my off week of treatment, so you may expect a video blog update closer to the end of the week.
Once I stop sleeping non-stop.

I am blessed!